Bridges to the Gospel
Bridges exist in every era, but they can look different from those in the past. Changes in culture may make some ways of doing things less…
Related resources for A Student’s Guide to Apologetics
Bridges exist in every era, but they can look different from those in the past. Changes in culture may make some ways of doing things less…
'Engaging with Muslims' is an insightful, practical guide to help everyone begin sharing the gospel with Muslims
Is the Bible just a book written by men, for men, reflecting the prejudices of a different time?
This wide-ranging collection of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks' writing and speeches offers plenty of food for thought.
Marcus K Paul's book 'The Evil That Men Do' offers a more balanced view of church history; acknowledging the good as well as the bad.
These resources will help you start thinking through six common objections to the Christian faith.
These resources are aimed at helping 14-18 year olds give an answer for their faith at school, to friends and teachers.
Never been to church? Been away from church for a while? This helpful book explores why it's worth going to church.
This unique introductory book is a wonderful gateway into a world of insight, inquiry and love.