Karl Barth and Natural Theology?
An examination of history, evidence, faith, fideism and natural theology.
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An examination of history, evidence, faith, fideism and natural theology.
Richard Cunningham interviews William Lane Craig on the 50th anniversary of the death of C.S. Lewis. The interview broadens from C.S. Lewis…
Apologetics is often seen as an 'intellectual' activity, remote from everyday life. Peter S. Williams proposes a more holistic view.
12 interviews with leading Christian apologists on communicating the truth and relevance of the Christian gospel.
In this talk, Os Guinness considers how we can communicate creatively in our evangelism and apologetics. By considering the nature of…
Moral objections to Christianity are some of the deepest and hardest to answer. This talk offers guidance for navigating this tricky area.
It is difficult to exaggerate the importance and impact of C.S. Lewis. Although he died in 1963, most of his books are still in print and…
Francis Schaeffer shares his understanding of what apologetics is and how it can bring together historic Christianity and contemporary…
Stephen Nichols’ short book is a helpful introduction to answering hard questions with grace and truth.