Six Enemies of Apologetic Engagement
What are the barriers that prevent people engaging with apologetics today? How can we make people aware of its potential to present the…
Related resources for "Am I Wasting My Time?"
What are the barriers that prevent people engaging with apologetics today? How can we make people aware of its potential to present the…
Jerram Barrs considers the place of the mind and the heart in the Christian faith, and argues that Christians have often failed to love God…
Moral objections to Christianity are some of the deepest and hardest to answer. This talk offers guidance for navigating this tricky area.
I had a conversation today that I wish you could have eavesdropped on. It was that precious. I was preparing for the show about an hour ago…
In this talk, Andrew Fellows connects the use of films to the stage of subversion in the apologetics process. This can then be followed by…
Francis Schaeffer shares his understanding of what apologetics is and how it can bring together historic Christianity and contemporary…
Environmental and 'Green' issues are a prime concern for many people today. David Cook considers whether Christianity is to blame and asks…
These resources will help you start thinking through six common objections to the Christian faith.
When your friends bombard you with questions, how can you cope? Here's one suggestion to take the pressure off.