Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion
A brief introduction to some of the issues discussed in the Philosophy of Religion and Natural Theology.
Related resources for John Hick's Apologetic for Agnosticism
A brief introduction to some of the issues discussed in the Philosophy of Religion and Natural Theology.
A short suggestion on how to respond to un-evidenced assertions – at college, university or anywhere else...
Some reflections on helping people handle questions about our faith.
A popular story gives a salutary warning of the need to check our sources carefully and be careful in the arguments we use.
'How to do apologetics' - a lesson from St Paul.
Peter Byrom explains how apologetics enabled him to see that Christian belief was reasonable and needed a response.
Andrew Fellows, Greg Jesson and Ranald Macaulay on the real Francis Schaeffer and his continuing influence and legacy today.
Peter S. Williams chairs a discussion with William Lane Craig, John Lennox, Peter J. Williams and Gary R. Habermas.
This talk addresses the challenges faced by the UK Church, such as Secularism and Islam, arguing for the necessity of effective apologetics.