Persuasion – the Centre Piece of Effective Evangelism
Evangelism without persuasion won't convince anybody - how can we put this vital ingredient back where it belongs?
Our resources seek to show why Christians believe that Christianity is true and worth believing. The shorthand term for that is 'apologetics'. It's what Simon Peter was writing about when he wrote: "Always be ready to make your defence to anyone who demands from you an account of the hope that is in you" (1 Peter 3:15, NRSV). Defending the truth of Christian beliefs against objections is important, as is the ability to communicate that truth effectively and attractively. Explore what apologetics is, why it is Biblical and how to engage with it effectively.
Evangelism without persuasion won't convince anybody - how can we put this vital ingredient back where it belongs?
Some ideas for helping students to think about apologetics and faith.
How to identify and analyse someone's worldview - affirming what is true and discovering what is in error.
Paul Coulter introduces different approaches to apologetics and examines how they can help in our own conversations.
Principles from Proverbs to guide our apologetics conversations.
Seven book recommendations for giving to non-Christians.
Apologetics is the discipline that deals with a rational defence of Christian faith. It comes from the Greek word apologia which means to…
For the context of this article on Paul's evangelistic methods and his use of apologetics, read Acts 17:16-18:17. What Happened at…
Peter May investigates what it means to preach the Gospel and examines what is meant by dialogue and its value in sharing the Gospel with…