Corinth and Acts 17
For the context of this article on Paul's evangelistic methods and his use of apologetics, read Acts 17:16-18:17. What Happened at…
Related resources for C.S. Lewis and the Language of Apologetics
For the context of this article on Paul's evangelistic methods and his use of apologetics, read Acts 17:16-18:17. What Happened at…
It often seems difficult to make time for a refresher course – and sometimes the issue is knowing just how and where to start. So…
Please note that the content of this talk partially overlaps that of Jerry Root’s other talk entitled 'C.S. Lewis’s Approach to…
I had a conversation today that I wish you could have eavesdropped on. It was that precious. I was preparing for the show about an hour ago…
Sometimes Christian pastors, parents and teachers are afraid of the questions young people and others might ask. Questions of another…
Bridges exist in every era, but they can look different from those in the past. Changes in culture may make some ways of doing things less…
Stephen Nichols’ short book is a helpful introduction to answering hard questions with grace and truth.
This book urgently seeks a recovery of Christian persuasion, 'a way of apologetics that is as profound as the good news we announce'.
When teachers challenge Christianity it's hard to know how to respond. Here are some tips for having a good conversation with them.