Is Jesus History?
Is Jesus History? by Professor John Dickson explores how the life of Jesus and the claims of the Bible intersect with sources from the…
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Is Jesus History? by Professor John Dickson explores how the life of Jesus and the claims of the Bible intersect with sources from the…
An in-depth look at cognitive scientist Steven Pinker's book Rationality: What it is, Why it seems Scarce, Why it Matters
An introduction to Pagan beliefs and practices, with helpful advice for sharing the gospel with Pagan friends.
Thomas Aquinas had an enormous influence on Christian thought. In this short book, K Scott Oliphint analyses and critiques Aquinas' thought.
Marcus K Paul's book 'The Evil That Men Do' offers a more balanced view of church history; acknowledging the good as well as the bad.
Larry Hurtado's book 'Destroyer of the Gods' examines the characteristics of Christianity that set it apart from the Roman world.
Timothy Shultz's book 'Disciple Making Among Hindus' is the fruit of over 30 years sharing the gospel in India.
In this book, Philip Ryken sets out the need for students to take a distinctively Christian approach to their studies – and all of life.
Andy Crouch’s award-winning book examines what a Christian posture towards human culture should look like.