Writing from a Christian Worldview
What does it mean to write from a Christian worldview?
Related resources for How to Deal with Your Atheist Professor
What does it mean to write from a Christian worldview?
‘What do you do when you're not sure?’ Father Brendan Flynn (Philip Seymour Hoffman) opens his sermon with a question which…
What are the barriers that prevent people engaging with apologetics today? How can we make people aware of its potential to present the…
Mike Licona responds to the latest attempt by the hyperskeptical community to advance the thesis that Jesus never existed.
Sometimes we’re nervous about witnessing for Christ because we’re afraid we’ll be asked questions we can’t answer.…
Francis Schaeffer shares his understanding of what apologetics is and how it can bring together historic Christianity and contemporary…
Sometimes Christian pastors, parents and teachers are afraid of the questions young people and others might ask. Questions of another…
Universities are changing fast. We only have to watch the news to realise that the education system is undergoing massive upheaval at every…
Is the Bible just a book written by men, for men, reflecting the prejudices of a different time?