Bridges to the Gospel
Bridges exist in every era, but they can look different from those in the past. Changes in culture may make some ways of doing things less…
Our resources seek to show why Christians believe that Christianity is true and worth believing. The shorthand term for that is 'apologetics'. It's what Simon Peter was writing about when he wrote: "Always be ready to make your defence to anyone who demands from you an account of the hope that is in you" (1 Peter 3:15, NRSV). Defending the truth of Christian beliefs against objections is important, as is the ability to communicate that truth effectively and attractively. Explore what apologetics is, why it is Biblical and how to engage with it effectively.
Bridges exist in every era, but they can look different from those in the past. Changes in culture may make some ways of doing things less…
A helpful talk exploring practical ways to share Christ in university contexts.
This talk is based on Alister McGrath's biography of C.S. Lewis.
In this series of two talks, Jerram Barrs considers how we can reach out to those living in a non-Christian culture. © Jerram Barrs
Two talks on the 'Psychological Barriers to Belief' look at basic life patterns and past painful experiences.
The Apostle Peter wrote that all Christians need to be ready to give an 'apology' (Greek apologia) or defence of their Christian hope to…
The fact that almost all aspects of human activity today are dominated by naturalistic assumptions means that for many the Christian…