Considering the Challenges of Apologetics
David Cook addresses the challenges that changes in cuture and thinking present to us as we do apologetics. Section I 1. THE NEED FOR…
Related resources for What is Apologetics?
David Cook addresses the challenges that changes in cuture and thinking present to us as we do apologetics. Section I 1. THE NEED FOR…
Stephen Nichols’ short book is a helpful introduction to answering hard questions with grace and truth.
An examination, in the light of 1st century sophistry, of why there seems to be a difference in Paul's apologetics approach between Athens…
This talk covers some of the basic concepts of truth, logic and persuasion which are helpful when we are 'defending and communicating the…
12 interviews with leading Christian apologists on communicating the truth and relevance of the Christian gospel.
In this talk, Os Guinness considers how we can communicate creatively in our evangelism and apologetics. By considering the nature of…
A look at how the type of language C.S Lewis used made his apologetics so effective.
Religious pluralism has gained a foothold both as a mainstream academic position and in popular culture. John Hick must be understood as a…
David Cook considers the ethics of apologetics. He looks at why people reject the use of apologetics and whether they have a good case or…