You Want to Be a Good Apologist?
If you want to be a good apologist, take this advice.
Related resources for What Should I Say? Learning to answer our friends' questions
If you want to be a good apologist, take this advice.
Sean McDowell shares some important tips for 'young' apologists.
Some reflections on helping people handle questions about our faith.
An extract from Peter May's book The Search for God: and the Path to Persuasion.
This talk is based on Alister McGrath's biography of C.S. Lewis.
Peter S. Williams chairs a discussion with William Lane Craig, John Lennox, Peter J. Williams and Gary R. Habermas.
Straight after the Reasonable Faith Tour, Bill Craig attended The Southern Evangelical Seminary's 2011 National Conference on Christian…
Ranald Macaulay considers the place of the mind in the life of the Christian. The talk lasts for about 25 minutes, followed by a Question…
Jerram Barrs considers the place of the mind and the heart in the Christian faith, and argues that Christians have often failed to love God…