Psychological Barriers to Belief
Two talks on the 'Psychological Barriers to Belief' look at basic life patterns and past painful experiences.
Related resources for William Lane Craig on C.S. Lewis
Two talks on the 'Psychological Barriers to Belief' look at basic life patterns and past painful experiences.
It is difficult to exaggerate the importance and impact of C.S. Lewis. Although he died in 1963, most of his books are still in print and…
Sometimes Christian pastors, parents and teachers are afraid of the questions young people and others might ask. Questions of another…
David Cook addresses the challenges that changes in cuture and thinking present to us as we do apologetics. Section I 1. THE NEED FOR…
Religious pluralism has gained a foothold both as a mainstream academic position and in popular culture. John Hick must be understood as a…
A helpful talk exploring practical ways to share Christ in university contexts.
Engaging with Atheists is written to help Christians understand the questions and issues atheists raise.
A short suggestion on how to respond to un-evidenced assertions – at college, university or anywhere else...
Peter Byrom explains how apologetics enabled him to see that Christian belief was reasonable and needed a response.