Did Paul and Constantine invent Christianity?
Some people claim that the apostle Paul and later Emperor Constantine changed the pristine religion preached by Jesus for their own ends.…
Related resources for How to be an Atheist - a review
Some people claim that the apostle Paul and later Emperor Constantine changed the pristine religion preached by Jesus for their own ends.…
In January 2005, two remarkable events occurred. The first was that Oxford atheist and Darwinian scientist, Richard Dawkins, was publicly…
In this 50 minute talk, William Lane Craig considers how the philosophical study of knowledge (epistemology) illuminates the validity of…
Greg Koukl defends the reasonableness and beauty of the Christian story, and reveals what's lacking in alternative accounts of reality.
This is an outstanding and important book. It is an exposition and defence of the Christian hope, drawing heavily on Wright’s more…
This is Part 1 of Peter S. Williams' article 'Intelligent Designs on Science', which is the final paper in a series of interactions between…
At the start of 2005, online magazine ‘Edge The World Question Centre’ posed the following question to a number of scientific…
Responding to the common objection that Christianity is irrational rather than based on any factual evidence.
What has authority to help us to know truly? This book explores questions of how we can really know what reality is like.