Studying ... Maths?
What has the God of the Bible got to do with maths? What has maths got to do with the Christian gospel?
Related resources for New Atheism's Wardrobe Malfunction
What has the God of the Bible got to do with maths? What has maths got to do with the Christian gospel?
Does a Universe that ‘runs itself’ need God? Oddly, the answer to this question is ‘No’. And ‘Yes’.
Religion and Science are often seen as entirely separate – this book tries to bring them together.
Interview with philosopher Roger Trigg covering science and philosophy, faith and reason.
An interview with Professor Brent Waters on posthumanism and its implications.
Advice for Christians in academic life and the workplace.
Links to further resources to follow up on the bethinking booklet which asks 'Has science disproved God?'
John Lennox delivers his critique of Stephen Hawking's arguments in The Grand Design and explains why, despite its media hype, neither God…
This talk looks at who Jesus is and examines some of the misunderstandings about him, as well as his impact in history and the impact he…