The Challenge of Atheism
Three talks by Wim Rietkerk entitled 'The Challenge of Atheism' consider whether Christianity whould be seen as an ideology or as a…
Related resources for The Flying Spaghetti Monster
Three talks by Wim Rietkerk entitled 'The Challenge of Atheism' consider whether Christianity whould be seen as an ideology or as a…
English literary history is a curious thing. And one especially curious thing about it is that it contains very little of importance which…
When Richard Dawkins wrote that his discovery of evolution had enabled him to be an ‘intellectually fulfilled atheist’, many…
Are sceptics really as sceptical as they claim? In this book, Mitch Stokes calls on atheists and Christians alike to be more sceptical.
William Lane Craig responds to Stephen Hawking's claim that cosmology is "a religion for intelligent atheists".
When Benjamin Franklin introduced his grandson to Voltaire shortly before the latter's death in 1778, that great opponent of the Catholic…
This extract from 'Atheism's New Clothes' responds to the accusation that theology is empty, like the Emperor's New Clothes.
William Lane Craig delivers his critique of Richard Dawkins' objections to arguments for the existence of God, followed by questions and…
This was the first event of The UK Reasonable Faith Tour 2011 and took place at Westminster Central Hall, London on 17 October 2011 in…