Cold-Case Christianity – a review
Read this book if you want to be prepared to speak to anyone interested in why they can trust the accounts they read in the Gospels. And…
Related resources for Can We Trust the Gospels?
Read this book if you want to be prepared to speak to anyone interested in why they can trust the accounts they read in the Gospels. And…
This talk looks at who Jesus is and examines some of the misunderstandings about him, as well as his impact in history and the impact he…
A response to the controversial claim that Jesus had a wife.
The creation of a simple bacterium with completely synthetic genetic material by Craig Venter and co-workers last year created a huge wave…
What does the oldest fragment of the New Testament tell us?
This is a curious book. At one level it has an immediate appeal. Christians need to be challenging those of other religions and worldviews…
Karen Armstrong was a Roman Catholic nun for seven years before she found she could no longer believe Catholic doctrines. She left her…
Readers of EN may remember a previous article where I reviewed several books by Bart Ehrman. I observed that Ehrman had previously been a…
'No room at the inn' goes the traditional story. But is that really what the Bible says?