Three Views on the NT Use of the OT – a review
The Zondervan Counterpoints series continues to produce extremely valuable volumes of the two-, three-, four-, and five-views variety on…
Related resources for Challenging the New Atheist view of Old Testament Ethics
The Zondervan Counterpoints series continues to produce extremely valuable volumes of the two-, three-, four-, and five-views variety on…
How should we address apparent contradictions in the Bible? This article tackles some specific examples.
The Jesus Seminar claims that some of the words of Jesus recorded in the Gospels were actually said by him but others were invented by the…
Tom Wright explains what the Bible is and why it's worth reading.
“If Christianity is not true, then it’s not worth believing” - This book addresses common objections to Christian truth claims.
A discussion of Christian beliefs about the divinity of Jesus and why the New Testament did not include other 'gospels'.
A consideration of the relationship of science and certain Biblical issues, including the nature of miracles and the Exodus.
Richard Dawkins, Rabbi Josh Levy and Chris Sinkinson join Justin Brierley to discuss the morality of the Old Testament.
An overview article linking to specific resources that examine the historical reliability of the Old and New Testaments.