The Dating of the New Testament
A careful consideration of the likely dates at which the New Testament documents were written.
Related resources for What is the Bible?
A careful consideration of the likely dates at which the New Testament documents were written.
Bart D. Ehrman is a world expert in the textual criticism of the New Testament who has recently written a best-selling book entitled…
In this academically robust but accessible book, Peter J Williams addresses the trustworthiness of the Gospels.
What reasons do we have to trust Mark's Gospel?
Some people claim that the apostle Paul and later Emperor Constantine changed the pristine religion preached by Jesus for their own ends.…
An overview article linking to specific resources that examine the historical reliability of the Old and New Testaments.
On the first week of April, 2006, the National Geographic Society announced the discovery of a lost gospel titled, 'The Gospel of Judas'.…
Read this book if you want to be prepared to speak to anyone interested in why they can trust the accounts they read in the Gospels. And…
Bob Price and David Instone-Brewer discuss the Bible's attitude to slavery on Justin Brierley's 'Unbelievable?' radio programme.