God and The Transgender Debate - a review
Andrew Walker looks at what the Bible says about the questions and issues surrounding gender identity.
Related resources for Further links: How can God allow suffering?
Andrew Walker looks at what the Bible says about the questions and issues surrounding gender identity.
Helpful pointers for answering questions about the harsh reality of suffering.
With young people drifting away from the church faster than ever, this book looks at ways to create a space where faith is seen as a…
Nabeel Qureshi, a former muslim, weighs up the evidence for both Islam and Christianity.
A review of Bart Ehrman's book claiming that many of the New Testament documents were falsely written under someone else's name.
Links to further resources to follow up on the bethinking booklet 'The arrogance of Christianity: is Jesus the only way?'.
A.C. Grayling discusses the arguments in his book The God Argument with Peter S. Williams on Justin Brierley's 'Unbelievable?' radio…
Mark Stibbe’s latest book focuses on John’s resurrection account and offers an accessible, close reading of the passage which,…
This small book gives us a well-researched critique of the Common Word letter sent by 138 Muslim leaders to the Christian church. It then…