Stop Taking Sides
In our increasingly polarised world, this book argues for us to learn how to hold truths in tension.
Related resources for A Royal Ruin: Pascal's Argument from Humanity to Christianity
In our increasingly polarised world, this book argues for us to learn how to hold truths in tension.
Tom Wright explains what the Bible is and why it's worth reading.
Are sceptics really as sceptical as they claim? In this book, Mitch Stokes calls on atheists and Christians alike to be more sceptical.
“If Christianity is not true, then it’s not worth believing” - This book addresses common objections to Christian truth claims.
In the twenty-first century, can people really still believe in angels and demons?
An examination of history, evidence, faith, fideism and natural theology.
Many people today describe that they are 'living inside their own head'. This describes a state of disconnection from reality outside of…
Postmodern liberalism may sound liberating and enticing to its adherents, but it may be no more than a 21st century fairy tale for the…
One of the benefits of public debates is that it encourages Christians to engage with the issues raised in these events, think through…