Life after God? - The Ethics of Peter Singer
A careful examination and critique of the ethical approach proposed by philosopher Peter Singer.
Related resources for Sexuality and Same-Sex Relationships
A careful examination and critique of the ethical approach proposed by philosopher Peter Singer.
Seven book recommendations for giving to non-Christians.
I am often asked how I can believe in God when there have been so many wars caused by religion. The implication is that if only people…
Tim Keller's new book explores the question of how anyone in our age of scepticism could believe in Christianity.
This extensive study explores the debates around sexuality and identity, and argues that the Bible provides a more fulfilling model.
Bob Price and David Instone-Brewer discuss the Bible's attitude to slavery on Justin Brierley's 'Unbelievable?' radio programme.
Andrew Walker looks at what the Bible says about the questions and issues surrounding gender identity.
The impact of the sexual revolution on society and on Christian thinking - and how to respond.
A medical and biblical exploration of gender issues.