7 Reasons Why Apologetics Might Be Good
7 suggestions for what makes good apologetics
Related resources for What are the Top Books to Give a Non-Christian?
7 suggestions for what makes good apologetics
What does human society tell us about human nature? Are we essentially good or bad?
Peter S. Williams chairs a discussion with William Lane Craig, John Lennox, Peter J. Williams and Gary R. Habermas.
A Universe From Nothing: Why There Is Something Rather Than Nothing (Free Press, 2012), by cosmologist Lawrence M. Krauss, has been lauded…
Steve Wilcox begins his apologetics series by examining the principles of faith. ‘Faith’ is considered a dirty word in our…
'If Love Wins, What is Lost?' gives Paul Coulter's in-depth response to Rob Bell's controversial book 'Love Wins'
It is clear from reading The End of Faith that Sam Harris is a strong minded individual. He expresses his arguments so starkly that anyone…
Karen Armstrong was a Roman Catholic nun for seven years before she found she could no longer believe Catholic doctrines. She left her…
Readers of EN may remember a previous article where I reviewed several books by Bart Ehrman. I observed that Ehrman had previously been a…