Cosmology: a Religion for Atheists?
William Lane Craig responds to Stephen Hawking's claim that cosmology is "a religion for intelligent atheists".
Compare Christianity with other worldviews and belief systems.
William Lane Craig responds to Stephen Hawking's claim that cosmology is "a religion for intelligent atheists".
A 2-part series on the New Atheism looks at (1) The Straw God and then (2) Attacks on the New Testament.
Considering whether reincarnation makes sense and what Christianity teaches instead.
Can we make sense of the New Age worldview?
Is there any reason to believe that Jesus is the only way to God, when there are so many other religions?
Dr Keith Small describes his research into the 'textual history' of the Qur'an, and compares it with that of the New Testament.
A response to Jehovah's Witnesses who maintain that Jesus died on a stake or post rather than a conventional cross.
When Benjamin Franklin introduced his grandson to Voltaire shortly before the latter's death in 1778, that great opponent of the Catholic…
This extract from 'Atheism's New Clothes' responds to the accusation that theology is empty, like the Emperor's New Clothes.