Dawkins' Delusions: faith and evidence
When I settled down to read Richard Dawkins’ book, The God Delusion, I was surprised at just how much of his book I agreed with. And…
Compare Christianity with other worldviews and belief systems.
When I settled down to read Richard Dawkins’ book, The God Delusion, I was surprised at just how much of his book I agreed with. And…
Philosopher and former atheist Antony Flew shares his thoughts on Richard Dawkins' 'The God Delusion'.
The refusal of Richard Dawkins to debate William Lane Craig has attracted criticism from other atheists, one of whom has said it is "Apt to…
This small book gives us a well-researched critique of the Common Word letter sent by 138 Muslim leaders to the Christian church. It then…
Cell biologist Lewis Wolpert has recently attained a measure of notoriety with the British public, primarily through the publication of his…
It is clear from reading The End of Faith that Sam Harris is a strong minded individual. He expresses his arguments so starkly that anyone…
Christopher Hitchens, the celebrated author and polemicist, never got on with his younger brother, Peter. Some siblings, spawned from the…
Someday it will happen to you. You are about to sit down for a late breakfast on a Saturday morning. The french toast smells delicious! A…
Rob Cook, who lectures at Redcliffe College, Gloucester, reviews Spirituality Without God: Buddhist Enlightenment and Christian…