Spirituality Without God – a review
Rob Cook, who lectures at Redcliffe College, Gloucester, reviews Spirituality Without God: Buddhist Enlightenment and Christian…
Compare Christianity with other worldviews and belief systems.
Rob Cook, who lectures at Redcliffe College, Gloucester, reviews Spirituality Without God: Buddhist Enlightenment and Christian…
This extended review provides some excellent responses to arguments that Sagan used and which keep cropping up today.
Melvin Tinker considers what God might want to say to Richard Dawkins in the light of his recent book The God Delusion. For more…
John Lennox speaks about God and Richard Dawkins and undermines the concept that religion and science are in inevitable conflict with each…
Denis Alexander rassesses Richard Dawkins' two part Channel 4 TV programme The Root of All Evil? as a piece of propaganda. Anyone who is…