Further links: How can God allow suffering?
Links to further resources to follow up on the bethinking booklet which asks 'How can God allow suffering?'
Related resources for A Better Story - a review
Links to further resources to follow up on the bethinking booklet which asks 'How can God allow suffering?'
The Lone Ranger (2013) has been such a flop at the US box-office that critics are heralding the death of the Western. Are these critics…
A review of the film The Great Gatsby.
A review of the film The Odd Life of Timothy Green.
A review of the film Les Misérables.
The dwarves have all the best songs. Whether they are singing raucous ditties about smashing Bilbo’s best crockery or low, mournful…
M (Judi Dench) is nothing if not pragmatic. Before the opening credits of Skyfall have even rolled, she has allowed not one, but two of her…
David Cronenberg built his reputation on making challenging, boundary-breaking films which explore sexuality, violence and death. So…
The most recent strain of Brontemania, at large throughout 2011, included major film versions of Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights and the…