Bruce Almighty
What can we learn from the film Bruce Almighty?
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What can we learn from the film Bruce Almighty?
In one poll, J.R.R. Tolkien's book The Lord of the Rings was voted the British public's best loved book. Jerram Barrs delves into Tolkien's…
A New Testament scholar reviews Dan Brown's novel The Da Vinci Code.
This wide-ranging collection of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks' writing and speeches offers plenty of food for thought.
An introduction to Pagan beliefs and practices, with helpful advice for sharing the gospel with Pagan friends.
An introduction to Buddhist beliefs and practices, with helpful advice for sharing the gospel with Buddhist friends.
In 'Can Science Explain everything?' John Lennox shows that science sits more comfortably within the Christian worldview than in atheism.
Andrew Walker looks at what the Bible says about the questions and issues surrounding gender identity.
James N Anderson provides a real, concrete analysis of the reasons Christianity makes most sense of the world.