Sherlock Holmes
A review of the recent Sherlock Holmes films and BBC TV series.
Related resources for From Ashes to Glory
A review of the recent Sherlock Holmes films and BBC TV series.
Perhaps a society truly becomes lost when it doesn't know how lost it is. This is the eerie suggestion put forward by Never Let Me Go,…
As Andy leaves for college, Sheriff Woody (Tom Hanks), space ranger Buzz (Tim Allen) and what remains of the old gang confront the reality…
Teachers lurk anxiously behind tinsel-covered curtains; excited children wait for their big moment; and nervous parents hope that their…
The Torchwood team have come a long way since their first rather dubious dealings with extraterrestrial invaders back in 2006. Billed as…
It doesn’t take usually take too much persuasion to get me to try a new box set of DVDs, but I have to say that I was a little…
Why do people do the things they do? It’s a question the world’s greatest philosophers, theologians, scientists and doctors…
A review of the book God Explained in a Taxi Ride.
A review of the film and book The Corporation.