Don't Forget About the Baby
At one time, every parent and child knew all about Nativity plays. Many will have memories and photographs of tea-towel-adorned shepherds,…
Related resources for How to Survive the Apocalypse - a review
At one time, every parent and child knew all about Nativity plays. Many will have memories and photographs of tea-towel-adorned shepherds,…
M (Judi Dench) is nothing if not pragmatic. Before the opening credits of Skyfall have even rolled, she has allowed not one, but two of her…
David Cronenberg built his reputation on making challenging, boundary-breaking films which explore sexuality, violence and death. So…
The most recent strain of Brontemania, at large throughout 2011, included major film versions of Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights and the…
According to the Romans, ‘bread and circuses’ were the key to keeping a population content. As long as their immediate physical…
How do you begin to tell stories about a war which claimed more than fifteen million lives? For children's author Michael Morpurgo, the…
This is an outstanding and important book. It is an exposition and defence of the Christian hope, drawing heavily on Wright’s more…
In this article, Peter S. Williams defends one of the key statements of Intelligent Design theory, namely that specified complexity…
We live in an age where a lot of emphasis is placed on instantaneous success. Sadly this level of unreal expectation has permeated…