Dom Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio) is a very unusual sort of criminal. Along with the pragmatic Arthur (Joseph Gordon-Levitt), he is paid to…
Related resources for “I’m being taken over”
Dom Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio) is a very unusual sort of criminal. Along with the pragmatic Arthur (Joseph Gordon-Levitt), he is paid to…
Teachers lurk anxiously behind tinsel-covered curtains; excited children wait for their big moment; and nervous parents hope that their…
Bill Maher, a well-known American comedian, satirist and religious sceptic has added this comedy-documentary to the growing number of…
The title and witch-themed publicity made me a little unsure about whether a Christian should be joining the crowds flocking to this…
A review of the film I Am Legend.
A review of the TV series Spooks.
A review of the film The Bourne Ultimatum.
A review of J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
Fiona Stewart find worlds of light and shade in her review of the film Bridge to Terabithia. Every day before catching the bus to school…