Why do people do the things they do? It’s a question the world’s greatest philosophers, theologians, scientists and doctors…
We're all surrounded by 'culture' – such as films, music, literature and art. These often have links to Christian beliefs. Here you'll find ways to relate Christian beliefs to the issues and questions raised by our culture, leading to some significant conversations.
Why do people do the things they do? It’s a question the world’s greatest philosophers, theologians, scientists and doctors…
To my mind, one of the main interests of Philip Pullman’s controversial trilogy is not specifically related to the books. It lies in…
A review of the film The Spiderwick Chronicles.
A review of the SF film Jumper.
A review of the film Juno.
A review of the film I Am Legend.
A review of the TV series Spooks.
It seems like we can't do without God; or anyway something like him. 'In each of us there is an empty hole in the shape of God', said…
A review of the film of Philip Pullman's The Golden Compass.