Movies and Apologetics
In this talk, Andrew Fellows connects the use of films to the stage of subversion in the apologetics process. This can then be followed by…
Related resources for Mamma Mia!
In this talk, Andrew Fellows connects the use of films to the stage of subversion in the apologetics process. This can then be followed by…
In one poll, J.R.R. Tolkien's book The Lord of the Rings was voted the British public's best loved book. Jerram Barrs delves into Tolkien's…
A review of Robbie Williams' biography examines his search for value and reassurance.
A New Testament scholar reviews Dan Brown's novel The Da Vinci Code.
This paper takes a careful look at critical race theory, and argues that only the Bible offers real hope for the future of race relations.
An in-depth look at cognitive scientist Steven Pinker's book Rationality: What it is, Why it seems Scarce, Why it Matters
An exploration of the themes in The Greatest Showman, with questions for reflection and discussion.
A historical argument for linking the growth of freedom with the development of Christianity.
In this book, Philip Ryken sets out the need for students to take a distinctively Christian approach to their studies – and all of life.