Finding God in Middle-earth
An exploration of the Christian themes and imagery in 'The Silmarillion' and 'The Lord of the Rings'.
Related resources for Paddington
An exploration of the Christian themes and imagery in 'The Silmarillion' and 'The Lord of the Rings'.
How should Christians relate to culture today? In 'Created and Creating', William Edgar explores this vital question.
A challenging call, based on the Acts of the Apostles, to think about how persuasive our evangelism is.
Review of a new book on Sharing Faith Using Social Media. The book also explores the use of different biblical paradigms for evangelism.
A review of the Oscar winning film 'Gravity' considers the themes of isolation, death, sacrifice and rebirth.
The Lone Ranger (2013) has been such a flop at the US box-office that critics are heralding the death of the Western. Are these critics…
A review of the film The Odd Life of Timothy Green.
A review of the film Lincoln.
A review of the film Les Misérables.