'Prometheus' Raises Big Questions
Some thoughts about the film Prometheus and the human search for meaning.
Related resources for The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
Some thoughts about the film Prometheus and the human search for meaning.
Four implications of 1 Peter 3:15 that will help you stand up and speak out about Jesus.
An introduction to the new Ben-Hur film, with details of resources for churches and other groups.
Swan Lake is a beautiful, tragic story. The delicate art of ballet sensitively describes both the joy and turmoil of its main characters.…
Twenty questions to help us think more carefully about films - or to use in film discussion evenings.
Margaret Atwood is one of the most important and influential writers alive today. Her fiction explores and reflects the current cultural…
A review of the recent Sherlock Holmes films and BBC TV series.
In Fictional Absence, Pete Lowman considers the presence and absence of God in English literature. It has been slightly revised for…
An exploration of the Christian themes and imagery in 'The Silmarillion' and 'The Lord of the Rings'.