Chronicles of Heaven Unshackled
Chronicles of Heaven Unshackled examines the presence (and absence) of God in the English novel, with particular reference to Tolkien and…
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Chronicles of Heaven Unshackled examines the presence (and absence) of God in the English novel, with particular reference to Tolkien and…
A review of The X-Files: I Want to Believe.
Towards the end of God on Trial, broadcast on Wednesday 3rd September 2008 on BBC2, a group of Auschwitz prisoners concluded that God was…
A look at how the rise of mass media has helped us create alternative 'electronic universes' – worlds where God has no place.
A review of the film of Philip Pullman's The Golden Compass.
Review of Amazing Grace in the light of whether religion is a force for good or for bad.
A review of Batman Begins.
In one poll, J.R.R. Tolkien's book The Lord of the Rings was voted the British public's best loved book. Jerram Barrs delves into Tolkien's…
A historical argument for linking the growth of freedom with the development of Christianity.