The Church and the Charter: the forgotten roots of Magna Carta
Examine the role played by Christianity in the Magna Carta.
Related resources for Earliest Evidence
Examine the role played by Christianity in the Magna Carta.
Some reflections on why the canonical Gospels are in the Bible whereas the apocryphal Gospels are not.
Adrian Holloway tackles the question of whether we can trust what we read in the New Testament or should dismiss it as unsubstantiated myth.
Giotto’s famous fourteenth century painting of Pilate [view it here] is an intriguing departure from the popular interpretation of…
[This talk gives] the background for what we’re going to look at in the next few sessions, which will be on the resurrection of Jesus…
This article addresses three common obstacles to believing in the resurrection.
Mike Licona responds to the latest attempt by the hyperskeptical community to advance the thesis that Jesus never existed.
What reasons do we have to trust Mark's Gospel?
Why the case for the truth of Christianity has never been stronger - but Europe is a difficult place to spread that message.