"The Gospel of Jesus' Wife": a forgery
Why the so-called "Gospel of Jesus' Wife" is a modern forgery.
Related resources for Is the Resurrection Fact or Fiction?
Why the so-called "Gospel of Jesus' Wife" is a modern forgery.
Links to further resources to follow up on the bethinking booklet 'The arrogance of Christianity: is Jesus the only way?'.
This talk looks at who Jesus is and examines some of the misunderstandings about him, as well as his impact in history and the impact he…
This is a lovely little book. It is deliberately little; it is a shortened version of Dan Clark’s previous book Dead or Alive? I…
Who is Jesus? What did he claim? And how should we respond?
Are claims that Jesus rose from the dead simply legends that were made up hundreds of years after he died?
Was Jesus' tomb really empty, or was this just a story made up years later?
Once we've got at the facts behind the myths about Jesus, this final video considers what difference he makes to us today.
Did Jesus claim or imply that he was anything more than a prophet? Or did his followers transform him into the Son of God many years later?