The Christ Conspiracy
Acharya S is a skeptic with an interest in mythology who has written a book entitled The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold.…
Related resources for The Historical Reliability of Jesus' Resurrection
Acharya S is a skeptic with an interest in mythology who has written a book entitled The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold.…
Why should we consider the stories of Osiris, Dionysus, Adonis and Attis as myth, yet think Jesus of Nazareth is history? The answer is…
In this article, we shall look at Matthew’s account of the resurrection of Christ in Chapter 28 of his Gospel. In particular we will…
The New Testament makes the assertion that the truth of Christianity stands or falls on the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The apostle Paul…
Christians claim Jesus rose from the dead; why should we care whether it's true or not?
Jesus lived and died two thousand years ago. How much can we really about what really happened so long ago?
How can we know that Jesus really did die on the cross?
Why the case for the truth of Christianity has never been stronger - but Europe is a difficult place to spread that message.
When people asked me what I studied at university and I told them, there were often a number of generic reactions. Inevitably, I would be…