The Historical Reliability of Jesus' Resurrection
The resurrection of Jesus is the basis for Christian faith (1 Corinthians 15) and Christian hope (1 Peter 1–3). Therefore the…
Related resources for The Resurrection of Christ in Matthew's Gospel
The resurrection of Jesus is the basis for Christian faith (1 Corinthians 15) and Christian hope (1 Peter 1–3). Therefore the…
The fundamental question concerning miracles is what is the nature of God’s relationship to the world? Christians claim: God is…
It's often claimed that Jesus' followers borrowed existing pagan beliefs about resurrection. Is that true?
How can we know that Jesus really did die on the cross?
In March 2008, Professor Gary Habermas, Distinguished Research Professor and Chair of the Philosophy and Theology Department at Liberty…
Resources to help you investigate the truth of the easter story.
In this talk, Gary Habermas analyses the claims by James Cameron, in his Discovery Channel documentary 'The Lost Tomb of Jesus', that a…