The Design Inference – a critical review
In this article, Peter S. Williams defends one of the key statements of Intelligent Design theory, namely that specified complexity…
Related resources for Is it Possible to be a Christian and Believe in Evolution?
In this article, Peter S. Williams defends one of the key statements of Intelligent Design theory, namely that specified complexity…
In this article, Melvin Tinker explains why he thinks that evangelicals can differ over their approach to understanding creation from…
Are God and science necessarily in competition? Does science fit better with Christian belief or with atheism?
This is the first in a series of interactions between Denis Alexander and Peter S. Williams on the issue of evolution and intelligent…
An interview with theologian and scientist Alister McGrath.
Sincere, Bible-believing Christians often have sharply different views on the issue of creation and evolution. Some hold that evolution was…
Christians agree that God created, but often disagree over how he did it. Here are some pointers to help you think it through.
This is an Open Letter to Adam, Tim, Cath and Greg in response to their Discussion in 'Theistic Evolution & Intelligent Design in…
Denis Alexander addresses the theological issues associated with an understanding of Adam who was not the sole genetic ancestor of all of…