Not Enough Evidence?: Why God Hides
A response to Bertrand Russell's criticism that God does not provide enough evidence for people to believe in him.
Related resources for The Evidence for God
A response to Bertrand Russell's criticism that God does not provide enough evidence for people to believe in him.
Apologetics is often seen as an 'intellectual' activity, remote from everyday life. Peter S. Williams proposes a more holistic view.
Paul Davies is a brilliant science writer. As an eminent physicist and cosmologist, he knows his subject matter with distinction. Better…
Where did God come from? Don’t we have to assume that if there is God, then there must have been something before Him that created Him?
An overview of some reasons to believe in God, with links to fuller resources and some recommended books.
Bill Craig and A.C. Grayling debate the problem of suffering in the light of tsunamis, on Justin Brierley's 'Unbelievable?' radio programme.
Peter S. Williams chairs a discussion with William Lane Craig, John Lennox, Peter J. Williams and Gary R. Habermas.
This talk challenges the New Atheist interpretations and condemnation of the Old Testament, including the destruction of the Canaanites.
William Lane Craig debates whether God is a delusion with Professor Mike Begon.