The Case for Christian Theism
This documentary contains never-before-seen interviews with attendees and participants from the 2011 Reasonable Faith Tour.
Related resources for Not Enough Evidence?: Why God Hides
This documentary contains never-before-seen interviews with attendees and participants from the 2011 Reasonable Faith Tour.
Why the case for the truth of Christianity has never been stronger - but Europe is a difficult place to spread that message.
John Lennox delivers his critique of Stephen Hawking's arguments in The Grand Design and explains why, despite its media hype, neither God…
William Lane Craig debates whether God is a delusion with Professor Mike Begon.
After several ‘best-selling’ books by well-known atheists attacking religion, John Humphrys has responded with this highly…
In a talk entitled 'The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief' given at The Veritas Forum at the California Institute…
Back in the mid-1960's Time magazine ran a cover story for which the magazine's cover was completely black, except for three words…
Religion and Science are often seen as entirely separate – this book tries to bring them together.
This is a ‘wham-bam, take it or leave it’ book. Prof. Grayling issues terse, often idiosyncratic, definitions without…