William Lane Craig Debates A.C. Grayling on Suffering
Bill Craig and A.C. Grayling debate the problem of suffering in the light of tsunamis, on Justin Brierley's 'Unbelievable?' radio programme.
Engage with the debate about whether God exists. Is there any way to decide the answer? Do the evidence and the arguments point towards or away from the existence of God?
Bill Craig and A.C. Grayling debate the problem of suffering in the light of tsunamis, on Justin Brierley's 'Unbelievable?' radio programme.
William Lane Craig debates the existence of God with Professor of Philosophy Peter Millican.
A review of the Oxford debate between Richard Dawkins and Alister McGrath.
A brief introduction to some of the issues discussed in the Philosophy of Religion and Natural Theology.
A response to Bertrand Russell's criticism that God does not provide enough evidence for people to believe in him.
William Lane Craig debates whether God is a delusion with Professor Mike Begon.
Dr Craig presents seven arguments for the existence of God.
William Lane Craig and Peter S.Williams debate with Arif Ahmed and Andrew Copson at the Cambridge Union Society.
12 interviews with leading Christian apologists on communicating the truth and relevance of the Christian gospel.