Isn’t the Bible Full of Contradictions?
How should we address apparent contradictions in the Bible? This article tackles some specific examples.
Related resources for Stephen Fry and God
How should we address apparent contradictions in the Bible? This article tackles some specific examples.
Reviews Richard Dawkins' two part Channel 4 TV programme The Root of All Evil?
John Lennox speaks about God and Richard Dawkins and undermines the concept that religion and science are in inevitable conflict with each…
Three talks by Wim Rietkerk entitled 'The Challenge of Atheism' consider whether Christianity whould be seen as an ideology or as a…
From the laws of physics themselves and their physical constants to the astrophysical picture of the development of the universe to the…
Zoologist Dr. Richard Dawkins (1941-) is ‘materialistic, reductionist and overtly anti-religious.’[1] Charles Simonyi, head of…
Some responses to the question 'Does God exist?'
When Richard Dawkins wrote that his discovery of evolution had enabled him to be an ‘intellectually fulfilled atheist’, many…
If the answer is yes, then we are in trouble. I have consistently put forth what I believe to be a very strong argument for the existence…