The Language of God
In a talk entitled 'The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief' given at The Veritas Forum at the California Institute…
Related resources for A.C. Grayling and Peter S. Williams on The God Argument
In a talk entitled 'The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief' given at The Veritas Forum at the California Institute…
This extended review provides some excellent responses to arguments that Sagan used and which keep cropping up today.
One of the benefits of public debates is that it encourages Christians to engage with the issues raised in these events, think through…
Back in the mid-1960's Time magazine ran a cover story for which the magazine's cover was completely black, except for three words…
A review of Nick Barham's Disconnected: Why our kids are turning their backs on everything we thought we knew.
In this book, Dan Strange highlights five compelling questions the world constantly attempts to answer – whether it’s aware of it or not.
An in-depth look at cognitive scientist Steven Pinker's book Rationality: What it is, Why it seems Scarce, Why it Matters
Larry Hurtado's book 'Destroyer of the Gods' examines the characteristics of Christianity that set it apart from the Roman world.
Justin Brierley reflects on why he is still a Christian after ten years on hosting debates with atheists