The Resurrection of Theism
Back in the mid-1960's Time magazine ran a cover story for which the magazine's cover was completely black, except for three words…
Related resources for William Lane Craig Debates A.C. Grayling on Suffering
Back in the mid-1960's Time magazine ran a cover story for which the magazine's cover was completely black, except for three words…
Tim Keller's new book explores the question of how anyone in our age of scepticism could believe in Christianity.
An overview of some reasons to believe in God, with links to fuller resources and some recommended books.
Dr Craig presents seven arguments for the existence of God.
According to atheists, there is no supernatural Power or Being separate from the universe and responsible for its creation. There is…
In a talk given at The Veritas Forum at Texas A&M University, in February 2006, Dr Hugh Ross discusses whether there is scientific…
Professor Antony Flew, 81 years old, is: “a legendary British philosopher and atheist and has been an icon and champion for…
James N Anderson provides a real, concrete analysis of the reasons Christianity makes most sense of the world.
A response to Bertrand Russell's criticism that God does not provide enough evidence for people to believe in him.