Is Christianity Unscientific?
Neo-atheist Sam Harris alleges that the faith of Christian geneticist Francis Collins is unscientific: James Watson, the co-discoverer…
Engage with the debate about whether there is a fundamental conflict between science and belief in God. Some scientists seem to make science their religion, but does science inevitably undermine belief in God?
Neo-atheist Sam Harris alleges that the faith of Christian geneticist Francis Collins is unscientific: James Watson, the co-discoverer…
One of the core arguments of Richard Dawkins’ book The God Delusion is that religious faith is irrational. “Dyed-in-the-wool…
A response to the accusation that science is the enemy of Christianity.
Responds to the idea that in a scientific age, people have outgrown the need for Christiainity.
This paper examines the contemporary relationship between science and Christianity. The exaggerated claims of secular scientists and…
The belief that science and religion are in fundamental conflict runs deep. But is it really as simple as that?