Interview with a Philosopher on Faith and Reason
Interview with philosopher Roger Trigg covering science and philosophy, faith and reason.
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Interview with philosopher Roger Trigg covering science and philosophy, faith and reason.
Would contact with extraterrestrial beings create a crisis of faith? Chris Oldfield reviews 'Science, Religion and the Search for…
People regularly question whether the multiverse belongs in the arena of scientific investigation. The answers often center on a key query:…
A look at Hawking's claim that modern physics shows we do not require a Creator God.
In a talk given at The Veritas Forum at Texas A&M University, in February 2006, Dr Hugh Ross discusses whether there is scientific…
A response to the accusation that science is the enemy of Christianity.
William Lane Craig examines the Big Bang theory and the question of why anything exists.
Is our own experience the final and only arbiter for what we can accept as true?
In 'Can Science Explain everything?' John Lennox shows that science sits more comfortably within the Christian worldview than in atheism.