Conflict Myths: Bishop Ussher and the Date of Creation
There is probably no name more indelibly linked with rigid church fundamentalism than that of Bishop James Ussher (1581-1656), who today is…
Related resources for Conflict Myths: Galileo Galilei
There is probably no name more indelibly linked with rigid church fundamentalism than that of Bishop James Ussher (1581-1656), who today is…
The ongoing scientific quest to explore space – 'the final frontier' – is intimately bound up with the search for 'strange new…
In 'Can Science Explain everything?' John Lennox shows that science sits more comfortably within the Christian worldview than in atheism.
Will science lead us to complete knowledge of everything, or are there areas science can't touch?
What, if anything, separates human beings from every other species on earth? Are we just naked apes? Or something more?
Who Made God? Everything has a beginning and was caused to exist by something else. But what about God? Who caused Him to exist and when?
William Lane Craig examines the Big Bang theory and the question of why anything exists.
Oxford professors John Lennox and Peter Atkins discuss whether we can answer all life's questions using the scientific method.
What has the God of the Bible got to do with maths? What has maths got to do with the Christian gospel?