Culture Making - a review
Andy Crouch’s award-winning book examines what a Christian posture towards human culture should look like.
Related resources for Enriching Our Vision of Reality - a review
Andy Crouch’s award-winning book examines what a Christian posture towards human culture should look like.
This helpful summary of philosopher Charles Taylor's work examines what it means to live in a secular age.
How should Christians relate to culture today? In 'Created and Creating', William Edgar explores this vital question.
What should motivate us to be good? This book examines four possible answers.
Engaging with Atheists is written to help Christians understand the questions and issues atheists raise.
What, if anything, separates human beings from every other species on earth? Are we just naked apes? Or something more?
A consideration of the relationship of science and certain Biblical issues, including the nature of miracles and the Exodus.
Are God and science necessarily in competition? Does science fit better with Christian belief or with atheism?
John Lennox delivers his critique of Stephen Hawking's arguments in The Grand Design and explains why, despite its media hype, neither God…